Mission & Vision

loving people, serving the community, reaching the world

God has called our church to follow Him by turning our hearts and focus to community outreach by serving our neighbors.

Jubilee IS the visible expressions of Christ’s LOVE.

We are called to go into all the world.
Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matt. 28:19

The Mission

Jubilee Christian Church is a community of believers on a mission to make a difference in the lives of people in our community and in the territory that God has called us to,         by taking an active role in making our community a better place for everyone.  

"Showing compassion, making a difference." (Jude 1:22) 

The Vision

We believe our goal is to equip, train, empower, and then release every individual to use their God given gifts and talents to make a difference beyond the local church.
We have a desire to see the transformation of individual lives and communities. We can do this because we believe Jesus is who He says He is; we are who He says we are, and we can do everything He says we can do.
Loving God and loving others, as God loves them, is what Jubilee Christian Church is all about.
We can do this because we believe Jesus is who He says He is; we are who He says we are, and we can do everything He says we can do. 

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