Jesus Blesses the Children

Luke 18:17

Jesus Said, "Assuredly, I Say To You,
Whoever Does Not Receive The Kingdom Of God As A Little Child Will By No Means Enter It.” 

caring For your children

At Jubilee, we equip and empower children for today's challenging world using the "SuperKids" curriculum. We listen to your children's questions and fears and strengthen them in their faith and identity in Jesus Christ. Children ages 5-12 attend Children's Church after the Praise & Worship portion of service.  Care is also available for children 0-4 in our nursery.

We also have a teen ministry that meets every Sunday during service and Wednesday from 6:30pm - 8pm called Trailblazers. This team is led by Isiah Twardowski and Alyssa Kasper. 

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